Alternative statistics for geocachers

Purpose of the website

The goal

The main goal of the project is to develop alternative and free statistics for geocachers that are presented in a modern way. The effort required to create your own statistics for geocachers should be minimal. And this is how simple it works:

  1. The source is the personal finds (Pocket Query "My Finds"), which can be created every 3 days and downloaded in zipped form as a Premium Member.
  2. After uploading this original ZIP file, it is automatically unpacked, checked and, if there are no complaints, implemented directly.
  3. In the Geocacher area, the geocacher's name is listed immediately after a successful upload and a link takes you to the personal statistics (see example).
Information on which data is included in a GPX file and what to consider before uploading can be found on the Upload page. Statistical analysis of all submitted geocaching data can be found on the Statistics page.


2024-11-29World map with countries of origin of geocachers
2024-11-27Information about new features on the homepage
2024-11-26New country-specific statistics for geocachers
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